Try them and let us know what worked for you. These are some of the ways which could help you fix Nvidia Control Panel Missing in Windows. Read Also: Gamers Alert: The Top 5 Graphic Cards For High-Performance Gaming

You can locate VirtuMVP icon in the system tray next to the clock. So, to fix Nvidia Control Panel Missing, you need to disable the GPU virtualization. If there is an onboard GPU on your Motherboard, there could be a possibility that the GPU Virtualization related to the VirtuMP software on the computer is the reason for the issue. Now Restart your PC to let the changes effect.reg file to run it and all the essential keys and values will be added.

Once pasted, save the text file with the. “FullPath”=”C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA Corporation\\Update Core\\NvGFTrayPlugin.dll”